
ZKB Pionierpreis Technopark 2025: Die Nominierten

Dreizehn innovative Startups haben es in die Endrunde des ZKB Pionierpreis Technopark 2025 geschafft – eine Initiative der Zürcher Kantonalbank und des Technoparks Zürich. Der Award wird am 20. Mai 2025 im Technopark Zürich verliehen und ist mit einem Preisgeld von 100'000 Franken dotiert.

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Ten Swiss tech startups selected for Silicon Valley 2025 roadshow

A panel of investor and industry experts has selected ten innovative Swiss tech startups to join the Swiss National Startup Team. These companies will take part in the Venture Leaders Technology 2025 program, a unique opportunity to expand their networks and business knowledge during a roadshow in Silicon Valley this April.

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Female Founder News #12

Welcome to a new year of female entrepreneurship and innovation. The year has kicked off on a strong note, with several company updates from female founders—including funding rounds, product launches, and exits—creating a buzz. 

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SAEKI raises $6.7M to transform large-scale manufacturing

As AI accelerates design capabilities, SAEKI is bridging the widening gap between what engineers can design and what can actually be manufactured, end to end. With its autonomous factories SAEKI aims to supercharge industrial productivity in Europe and heavy industry globally.

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CHF 2.4 billion for Swiss start-ups

Investment in knowledge-based start-ups fell again in 2024, by 8.5% compared with the previous year. The number of financing rounds also fell for the first time. These are the findings of Swiss Venture Capital Report, published by the online news portal and the industry association SECA in cooperation with

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2,4 Milliarden Franken für Schweizer Start-ups

Die Investitionen in wissensbasierte Jungunternehmen gingen 2024 erneut zurück – um 8,5 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr. Erstmals sank auch die Zahl der Finanzierungsrunden. Dies zeigt der Swiss Venture Capital Report (SVCR), herausgegeben vom Online-Newsportal und der Branchenvereinigung SECA in Kooperation mit

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2.4 milliards de francs pour les startups suisses

En 2024, les investissements dans les jeunes entreprises basées sur le savoir ont de nouveau diminué de 8,5 % par rapport à l'année précédente. Pour la première fois, le nombre de tours de financement a également baissé. C'est ce que montre le Swiss Venture Capital Report (SVCR), publié par le portail d'actualités en ligne et l'association…

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Frank Thelen invests in Akina’s CHF 2.8 million seed round

Through its investment in Akina, Freigeist Capital, the Deep Tech VC founded by Frank Thelen, has led its first investment in the healthtech sector. The startup has raised CHF 2.8 million seed capital to enable AI-driven physiotherapy at home with the support of trusted professionals.

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Drei Crowd-Investments ins Trockene gebracht

Das Startup Localfish hat für die Weiterentwicklung und Skalierung seines innovativen Indooraquakultur-Systems über 510'000 Franken bei 223 Crowdinvestorinnen und -Investoren eingesammelt. Auch Fischerei-Boxen-Anbieter JAEGER Fishing hat knapp 300'000 Franken eingesammelt. Für Tide Ocean, welches angeschwemmten Plastikabfall wieder in den Kreislauf bringt…

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Venture Kick awards Lightium CHF 150,000 to scale TFLN-based photonic chips

Founded in 2023, Lightium aims to address the limitations of current Photonic Integrated Circuits such as performance limits using their Thin-Film Lithium Niobate (TFLN) platform. The startup has now received CHF 150,000 from Venture Kick to shape the future of photonic device manufacturing and drive growth.

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