
23.10.2024 | startup space, Wiesenstr. 10A, 8952 Schlieren

Business Creation Engineering

5-day intensive course for Start-ups in Engineering

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29.10.2024 | 14:00 - 17:00 | Zurich

Smart IP Strategy for Software Startups

Are you an IT startup and want to know more about how to protect your intellectual property? During this workshop, we will discuss software patents as well as crucial legal aspects of software companies, such as licensing, open source compliance, usage of libraries and data protection.

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06.11.2024 | startup space, Wiesenstr. 10A, 8952 Schlieren

Business Creation ICT

5-day intensive course for Startups in ICT

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27.11.2024 | startup space, Wiesenstr. 10A, 8952 Schlieren

Business Growth Engineering

5-day intensive course for Start-ups in Advanced Engineering

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03.12.2024 | Startup space, Wiesenstrasse 10A, 8952 Schlieren-Z?rich

venture pitch

Venture Kick is an initiative from private donors. Potential entrepreneurs from Swiss colleges and universities present their business ideas to the jury of Venture Kick, with the chance to win seed capital of up to CHF 150,000 over three stages. The first stage is the Venture Pitch: eight project teams compete against each other, with five teams receiving…

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10.12.2024 | startup space, Wiesenstrasse 10A, 8952 Schlieren

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Dieser interaktive STARTIMPULS bietet dir einen verttieften Einblick in die Schlüsselprinzipien und Praktiken der Buchhaltung, die für dich als Jungunternehmer/in relevant sind.

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