Swedish tech company acquires Geopraevent


Geopraevent, a Zurich based provider of monitoring and alarm systems for natural disasters has been acquired by Hexagon, a global technology company specialising in sensor, software and autonomous solutions with €3.5 billion in sales. The startup will be fully consolidated into Hexagon's Geosystems division.


Founded in 2013 by Lorenz Meier and Geotest AG, Geopraevent is focused on the development of natural hazard monitoring and alarm systems for the early detection and warning of dangerous events such as landslides, rockfalls, and avalanches. The company's systems combine proprietary software and hardware with a wide range of sensors and measuring technologies - from very specific radars to webcams and cameras - to detect a variety of natural hazards. Its turnkey, integrated monitoring solutions include system customisation, installation and operation. Advanced algorithms evaluate data from the various sensing technologies in real-time to differentiate between normal and critical trends. In the event of potentially dangerous situations, triggered alarms can not only alert authorities but also automatically close threatened roads and railways as well as warn people in the affected areas within a matter of seconds. All installations include access to an online and interactive data portal, easily reachable via various devices. Since its foundation, Geopraevent has established a strong foot in Switzerland with a team of 20 people and operates over 100 active stations in 10 countries. Its customer groups comprise of federal and local authorities and private infrastructure operators in markets such as transportation, public safety, tourism, mining and energy.Since 1. January 2020, Geopraevent became part of the Geosystems division of the Swedish based company Hexagon AB. The latter employes some 20,000 people in 50 countries and has net sales of approximately 3.8bn EUR. Geopraevent will be will support the new team in strengthening the company's suite of Natural hazard monitoring and alarm solutions. "Areas prone to natural hazards can quickly become devastating catastrophes. Natural hazard monitoring improves the safety of roads and railways, especially when traditional constructive measures like tunnels or dams are not feasible," says Hexagon President and CEO Ola Rollén. "Geopraevent's know-how is characterized by a skilled and experienced workforce with geotechnical expertise. By combining this domain knowledge - along with its proven technologies and services - with Hexagon's global footprint and complementary solutions, we can offer more customers the early detection and warning systems necessary for protecting human lives."(Press release/ran)