Three weeks ago, Shift Cryptosecurity a Swiss technology firm specializing in the protection and management of cryptocurrencies, has launched its hardware platform, BitBox Basecamp. Shift has developed the platform to protect online exchanges from being hacked and having digital assets stolen from consumers and investors.
The solution is based around the proven BitBox hardware wallet. Whereas the "B2C device (BitBox)" is a Shift-branded hardware wallet compatible with any online exchange, while the Basecamp solution is an exchange-branded wallet having additional software developed specifically for an exchange to give it more security and convenience features when used with that exchange.
It works by making it virtually impossible for hackers to steal the private keys of individual account holders, as well as by thwarting other avenues of attack such as "phishing" sites.
“BitBox Basecamp opens up opportunities for us to partner with online exchanges to co-develop mass market OEM solutions for secure digital currency trading. This includes co-branding activity as well as white or grey label OEM solutions”, explains Carl Fenger, responsible for Marketing and Communications at Shift.
Shift presented the BitBox and the brand new BitBox Basecamp at Cebit where both were very well received.” We received high interest in both our wallet and Basecamp solution from platform providers, investors, resellers, and potential partners offering complementary software and hardware products”, says Carl Fenger.
For the BitBox Basecamp the Swiss company has already several partners in the pipeline in various stages of deployment. The B2B product continues the success of the BitBox, which is the number 3 best selling wallet globally. It has already sold to consumers in over 90 countries via online shops such as Digitec, Amazon plus 25 resellers, as well as directly via Shift’s own online shop at
(SK / ran)