Seven Swiss start-ups among the Imagine IF! Top 50 finalists

Seven Swiss start-ups have been nominated among the 50 finalists of IMAGINE IF!, a global competition and accelerator program for early stage science-based ventures. They will have access to free  mentorship, free laboratory space, an extensive network and will also qualify for the non-dilutive capital worth $30’000.

The IMAGINE IF! accelerator platform received a large number of applications from across the entire spectrum of deep technology diverse fields, with strong interest from both traditional scientific clusters as well as new and emerging geographies across the globe.

Top 50 Finalists have been nominated. Among them are seven Swiss start-ups. The nominated start-ups will participate in a two weeks of intensive mentorship program, followed by a 3-minute video pitch. The teams will also have the opportunity to submit an updated version of their business plans. Based on the pitch video and the final business plan, the judges will select the Top 10 teams that will be invited to pitch on the second day of the Innovation Forum – Leaders Conference 2016 on the 22nd September in Cambridge. Submission deadline for business plans is 1st August 2016.

The judging panel from the Innovation Forum network will award $30,000 to the winning pitch and a package of multiple services and benefits to accelerate the development of the start-up. The Top 10 teams pitching at the Innovation Forum 2016 – Leaders Conference will enter the IMAGINE IF! Accelerator after the conference.

The nominated Swiss start-ups are:

Morphodyne S.A: a spinoff of EPFL producing made-to-measure 3D-printed tissue models for pharmaceutical development. Adopting their tailorable models, major and small firms will record remarkable R&D cost savings and reduced time-to-market.

SensArs Neuroprosthetics: based in Lausanne the start-up has developed “SENSY”, a unique device, which allows amputees, unlike current available prostheses, to feel again from missing limbs. It is a neuroprosthetic device to be implanted within the residual nerves, or healthy part of the nerves, aimed at restoring the natural-like flow of the neural sensory information.

Smart Home Technology: is a spinoff of ETH Zurich providing better IoT solutions for business customers based on advanced technology and scientific researches.

SwissDeCode: established as a spinoff of the University of Geneva, SwissDeCode enables individuals to test DNAFoil to confirm their beef before eating it to building trust in the food supply chain.

TwentyGreen: based in Technopark Luzern, TwentyGreen produces a greener natural feed supplement for more sustainable animal farming.

The two other Swiss finalists are Lymphatica andTarantula from Lausanne.