Sanostro is a highly innovative provider of hedge fund intelligence. The company was founded on the belief that intelligence of the leading quantitative managers should be used to help investors make investment decisions and that risk management must not be expensive.
Sanostro has built a global platform of quantitative managers to offer systematic, model-based hedging solutions and tactical asset allocation models to institutional investors. Clients use Sanostro flexibly to manage their FX, equity, commodity and bond portfolios through tailor-made solutions. Sanostro cooperates with some of the most respected quantitative investment managers in the hedge fund space and is headquartered in Zurich.
The startup has now entered into partnership with IFS-Independent Financial Services Ltd to develop tailored solutions for pension funds and other institutional investors in Switzerland.
“We are very happy about this cooperation. With IFS’s experience, client knowledge and implementation power we will be able to structure highly targeted solutions for sophisticated investors like pension funds” said Vincent Couson, Partner at Sanostro.
“We see Sanostro as a highly innovative partner in the space of dynamically managed investment solutions with good values. Together we can define intelligent and lean solutions that are made for the benefit of the client and their beneficiaries” added Mario Almer, Executive Director of IFS. “We are starting with a dynamically managed equity solution, which will help pension funds stay invested in equity and harvest the risk premium while effectively managing the downside risk.”
About IFS
IFS is an independent asset management boutique at the locations Zurich and Lucerne. The company specializes in providing independent advice to institutional and sophisticated private clients in the area of active asset management. The company was founded in 2003 and has since 2015 the FINMA approval as an asset manager of collective investment schemes, which also includes the admission as an asset manager of the occupational pension scheme by the OAK BV Supervision Commission. IFS combines the flexibility, independence and discretion of a local partner with the soundness and financial strength of an internationally active Swiss private bank. Through the outsourcing of the administrative divisions, IFS can fully concentrate on its clients and on advising and managing the assets efficiently.
(Press release/ran)