One week to foster entrepreneurship


Next week, the Global Entrepreneurship Week will take place. In Switzerland. Around 100 events are planned. The goal is to generate enthusiasm for entrepreneurship, discuss important topics for founders and help entrepreneurs to take the next step.


The Global Entrepreneurship week is a worldwide initiative aiming to inspire people everywhere through local, national and global activities. These activities, from large-scale competitions and events to intimate network gatherings, connect participants to potential collaborators, mentors and even investors — introducing them to new possibilities and exciting opportunities. Global Entrepreneurship Week is not one single event —it is tens of thousands of events, activities and competitions across more than 170 countries. Around 100 event will be organised in Switzerland. At the University of Geneva activities are planned for the whole week under the title “Libérez vos idées”. At the University of Lausanne  events will take place on four different days. And there are also a lot of activities in the German speaking part, for example in Bern, Basel and Zurich. In Basel alone ten conferences, breakfasts and workshops are planned including the Swiss Innovation Forum. In Zurich a conference with the title “Why diversity drives entrepreneurial success” will take place on Wednesday. Swissparks organizes a campaign for the Global Entrepreneurship Week in Switzerland, in cooperation with its Key Partner University of Lausanne, HUB Entrepreneuriat et Innovation UNIL. In this context Swissparks has created a calendar which includes events from different organisations from all over Switzerland. Information about the global initiative can be found on the website of the Global Entrepreneurship Network. (SK)