YTILI Fellowship is a flagship young European leaders program of the U.S. Department of State supported by the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). The program offers young European entrepreneurs from 45 eligible countries a year-long fellowship opportunity to participate in a series of activities designed to strengthen their businesses and create a transatlantic innovation network. In the 2019 cohort, the Zurich based startup Nexoya is among the nominees. Established in 2018, Nexoya developed a marketing intelligence platform that empowers companies to make data-driven decisions for their marketing activities. The platform uses machine learning technology to make predictions from which insights are generated on how marketing campaigns, conversions, clicks and other KPIs across various marketing tool are performing as well as the ability to track each of them on an AI-based centralized platform. Marco Hochstrasser, co-founder of Nexoya, together with nominated fellows will get access to a network of professionals, mentors, and resources aligned to support their startup growth journey during the fellowship experience. By exploring entrepreneurship in the transatlantic context, YTILI fellows will also develop the expertise to better engage in policy conversations in their home countries, across Europe, and in the transatlantic sphere.(RAN)