Nanolive co-founder is European CTO of the year

Sebastien Equis, CTO of Nanolive, has been awarded with the title European Chief Technology Officer of the Year 2017 in the category SMEs. The awards ceremony took place during the CTO Forum 2017 at Empa Academy, Zurich, Switzerland on 26 October. 

Sebastien Equis co-founded Nanolive with Dr. Yann Cotte in 2013 to make it possible to explore a living cell in 3D without damaging it. With his passion, drive and vision, Sebastien has enabled Nanolive to bring the disruptive technology to the market, actively engaging both customers as well as suppliers to share their ideas and challenges.

Since the cell is the basis of all life on earth, this is a major milestone in the history of microscopy, which may change all the rules in the fields of education, biology, pharmaceutics, cosmetics, labs and industry. Just like a computer tomography for human bodies, Nanolive makes a complete tomography of the living cell. But unlike a CT for human bodies, it does it instantly, in full colour and at very low cost: as a result, for the very first-time users can instantly look inside the cell, discover its interior such as nucleus and organelles and "travel" through it in 3D on any screen, as well as compare it quantitatively with accumulated data and processing in the cloud.

The second winner is Eyal Shimoni, CTO of Strauss Group. He won in the category large corporations. Both awardees serve as prominent role models fuelling growth and strengthening European innovation and technology leadership.

An award to strengthen innovation in Europe
European CTO of the Year is the leading European award honouring excellence in technology and innovation leadership, awarded by EIRMA (European Industrial Research Management Association) and Spinverse (Nordic leader in innovation consulting). The concept is Pan-European and, as Robert-Jan Smits, Director-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission says: “Europe needs to celebrate those who advance technology and innovate. Initiatives like the “CTO of the year award” are very welcome as they lead to role models and further strengthen innovation in Europe”.

The European CTO of the Year Award was launched in 2014. Since then it has been given to CTOs who are both inspiring leaders and competent technology developers. The winners are awarded in two categories – SMEs and large corporations - to highlight that both are needed to support technology-based growth in Europe.

(Press release)