The Zurich-based invite-only trade network is known for its pioneering online trading platform for buyers and sellers of active ingredients, additives and excipients in health and nutritional industries.
After summer holidays, KEMIEX officially launched trading operations with almost 100 companies under contract. In the first ten days of operations, bulk trades involving almost 20 tons of APIs and nutritional additives with a value of several hundred thousand dollars could be executed to the benefit of both feedstock buyers and sellers.
The strategic partnership with ATRADIUS, one of the world’s leading global trade credit insurers, raised considerable interest among the primarily spot market participants. Atradius supports in qualifying participants, providing credit risk insight and trade insurance for the buyers and sellers.
In addition, the Convention on Pharmaceutical Ingredients has nominated KEMIEX AG as finalist at CPhI Pharma Awards in the categories "Supply Chain, Logistics, and Distribution" and "IT, mHealth & Digitalisation". The prize will be awarded in October at CPhI Worldwide in Madrid, where more than 45’000 visiting pharma professionals and 2’500 exhibitors from 153 countries gather for three days.
(Press release)