IRewind delivers personalised video clips for the UBS Kids Cup

Software startup iRewind has delivered personalised finisher video clips for the junior athletes participating in the 2017 UBS Kids Cup. Over 1800 clips were produced each day. The startup will again deliver a video clip for each participating kid in the Swiss final.

The UBS Kids Cup is an annual sports competition for children between the ages of seven and 15 held in 24 Swiss Cantons. This year, more than 130’000 children are participating in 950 competitions. This year’s major sports activities include 60m sprint, jumping and ball throwing. Winners from the each canton will qualify for the Swiss finals in Lezigrund, Zurich on 26 August.

Personalized finisher clips for junior athletes
In this year's competitions, one of the highlights of the cantonal finals was the video production by iRewind, a tech startup based at the EPFL Innovation Park. As one of the core sponsorship activities of the event series, iRewind delivered a personalised finisher video clip for each kid at the end of each event.

iRewind’s software solution, which automatically captures, edits and delivers instantly personalized videos was implemented in the post-production of the finisher clips. At every event day, the starup delivered videos of a total of 1’500 minutes, making up 1’800 clips. "At peak times a video was published every 16 seconds", as stated on iRewind's blog post.

The startup will again use its cloud software to deliver further personalised clips for the participants at the UBS Kids Cup Swiss Final.

This milestone comes after the aquisition of iRewind by YOVEO.