Reliable information on distribution restriction to assess cross-border and product suitability is essential for banks and other distributors of investment products to comply with international legislation on financial advice and service provision. “UBS Fondcenter has always supported clients in this area. On the one hand this concerns the question of which products and services can be offered to certain categories of investors and, on the other hand, which products and services may be offered in cross-border relationshipssays Geoffroy De Ridder, Head of UBS Fondcenter. “Investment Navigator was our first choice for the further enhancement of our platform with consideration for regulatory and product related distribution restrictions. The new features continue to strengthen our web-based FundNavigator tool to become the entry point for fund distributors.”
“It is our privilege to collaborate with the market leader in Switzerland and one of the largest fund platforms worldwide. The integration of our suitability assessments into existing platforms supports fund distributors in their efforts to establish a seamless, efficient and compliant investment process”, says Alberto Rama, CEO and co-founder of Investment Navigator.
This new collaboration with UBS Fondcenter is only the latest milestone in the growth story of Investment Navigator, highlighting the importance of smart RegTech solutions. While building sustainable client relationships with wealth managers, independent financial intermediaries and fund houses, the company has also been part of the 2018 co-hort of the renowned SuperCharger Fintech Accelerator program in Hong Kong and is currently in the Swiss National Fintech Team 2018 from Venturelab.
Picture: Alberto Rama (left) and Julian Köhler
(Press release)