Huawei supports young entrepreneurs of ETH Zurich

Huawei Co. Ltd., a Chinese telecommunications company and the largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer in the world, supports ETH Zurich’s “Pioneer Fellowship Program” via ETH Zurich Foundation. The program promotes young and talented entrepreneurs out of science.

With the “Pioneer Fellowship Program” of ETH Zurich, ambitious young researchers receive the means to realize an innovative product and a solid business plan out of their research results. A sense of entrepreneurship with young researchers and encouragement with a sparking business idea are key parts herein. The program, which lasts for 18 months, begins with a competitive application process and in more than 70% of the projects ends with the founding of a company. The graduates therefore essentially contribute to the knowledge transfer of ETH Zurich. The aim of the program is to commercialize highly innovative products or services and to make them usable by society. The support of private partners crucially drives the program forward.

Dr. Li Yingtao, member of the board of Huawei, and Prof. Dr. Detlef Günther, Vice President Research and Corporate Relations of ETH Zurich, strengthened the partnership and exchanged views of innovation at ETH Zurich.

The partnership of Huawei and ETH Zurich is set to endure for three years which covers a yearly support of two Pioneer Fellows.

Further information on the Pioneer Fellowship Program is available here 

(Press release)