Eight new startups enter digital healthcare revolution path

The Future of Health Grant (FoHG) program, powered by CSS and the EPFL Innovation Park, has just selected 8 new start-ups from 133 applicants, a milestone high. They will get tailored support worth CHF 10,000 to 90,000 and become part of a dynamic ecosystem of key players dedicated to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the healthcare sector by means of digital technology.

The winners were selected on 27 February 2024 in the presence of the program’s founders, CSS and the EPFL Innovation Park. The selected start-ups are:

Level 3 - CHF 50’000 support

  • Carity AG (Zurich): develops tools for personalised rehabilitation after a cardiac event

Level 2: - CHF 30’000 support

  • Resilient SA (Lausanne): Fights burnout using a combination of wearables and a mobile app for all encompassing stress management
  • Seneca Projekt (Zurich): revolutionises home care with a flexible working model for skilled nurses, simplifying processes through digitisation 

Level 1 – CHF 10’000 support

  • Kompanion care (Paris): digital therapy sessions and cognitive monitoring based on generative AI for individuals with MCI or mild dementia
  • Healthy Longer (Zurich): pioneering use of metabolic biomarkers from urine for diagnosing and treating mental health conditions
  • Skaaltec (ETH Zurich): develops a brain stimulation system for post-stroke movement recovery in specialised rehab clinics
  • Maven Health (EPFL Lausanne): offers personalised metabolic health testing for chronic deseases
  • dAIgnose (ETH Zurich): develops AI Software for early endometriosis detection using non invasive ultrasound 

A unique approach:

The chosen businesses will gain access to specialised mentoring provided by the programme’s ten partners, all of whom are key players in the healthcare sector. The aim of this form of collaboration is to shape the future of healthcare by harnessing the advances in digital technology to increase personalisation, provide more accurate diagnostics, reduce costs and waiting times, and enable real-time patient follow-up. 

Details of this programme can be found at the Future of Health Grant website.