«Billte has made the decision to become part of the eBill ecosystem and drive the digitalization of invoicing forward together with SIX», says Daniel Berger, Head Billing & Payments Ecosystem, Banking Services at SIX. The Zurich based startup, Billte, developed an invoicing solution for companies and consumers which allows users to send invoices digitally, deliver them to customers via email and track payments. Invoices can be paid directly via email using a wide range of payment methods. The startup has now won a partner-contract with SIX to become a part of the network partner ecosystem for the eBill which will be launched by SIX on 7 November 2019 in the market. eBill is the leading Swiss solution for digital invoicing and paying invoices and has been integrated directly into the e-banking of over 90 Swiss banks. By implementing the network partner model, SIX opens its eBill infrastructure to all interested entities providing solutions to invoice senders. This will enable business software providers, Fintechs and financial institutions to act as network partners and support their customers in adjusting to the changing demands that accompany digital invoicing and paying invoices. According to Andrea Girasole, CEO of Billte, the startup will provide its platform to support SMEs in connecting to eBill seamlessly. Billte signs the first perspective contractAlthough contracts for network partners have been available online for signature since July, the Fintech startup Billte has become the first company to conclude a network partner agreement with SIX. This way, Billte has placed its bet on the opportunities of eBill and will provide its customers with combined, innovative services all around invoicing. (RAN)