WE SHAPE TECH Xmas Rendezvous

18.12.2019 | 20:00 - 23:30
Bellevueplatz, 8001 Zürich
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Come and join us one last time in 2019! Meet peers or speakers of WE SHAPE TECH's 2019 event.


2019 draws already upon a close and you might have gotten to know several cool men and women at WE SHAPE TECH events. You are warmly invited to our WE SHAPE TECH Xmas Rendezvous as we rented out a chalet on the Christmas Market on Bellevue in Zurich for an intimate and fun Fondue Plausch.Besides reconnecting with others, there is another highlight: all our 2019 speakers are invited as well - maybe a great opportunity for you to ask them burning and yet unanswered question or simply getting to know them better! May we count you in?