>>venture>> Pitching Workshop at ETH

13.03.2018 | 18:30 - 22:00
ETH Zürich - Rämistrasse 101 8092 Zurich HG F5
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Valentina Velandia


Improve your presentation skills, optimize your presentation decks and learn how to perform well in an elevator or investor pitch.


During the workshop, you will have the opportunity to practice your own pitch. Therefore, we ask you to prepare a short pitch beforehand.The workshop will be held by Jean-Pierre Vuilleumier (Managing Director of Swiss Startup Invest).

You can choose between the following formats:

1. a 60 to 90 seconds pitch without slides (elevator pitch) 

2. a 3-minute pitch with a small slide deck (investor pitch) 


The session will end with a networking apéro. 


To join the event:
Create a profile and project on www.venture.ch
and register for the event via https://www.venture.ch/pitching-workshop-zurich-2018


About >>venture>>:
>>venture>> is an initiative of McKinsey & Company Switzerland, Knecht Holding, Innosuisse, ETH Zurich and EPFL. During a 5-month program, taking place from February to June, we support startups in developing their venture. Sign up on www.venture.ch and benefit from the program right away. Connect online and offline with our large pool of coaches, attend our events free of charge, get free access to intellectual property searches, get introduced to investors, and find out about many more offers. At the end of the competition, you can win up to 60’000 CHF of non-dilutive money. The deadline for the competition is April 12, but register for the competition now already to receive personalized coaching, and join our workshops. More information on www.venture.ch