>>venture>> Investor Day 2017

19.06.2017 | 13:00 - 17:30
Rämistrasse 101, 8001 Zürich ETH Zürich Main Building Semper Aula
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Swiss startup Invest invites the audience to the event >>venture>> Investor Day 2017 at ETH Zurich. More than 20 Swiss Startups from the venture.ch competition will pitch.

The Investor Day is reserved for the top 25 teams in seed and early stages that are participating in the >>venture>> 2017 business plan competition. As in previous years Swiss Startup Invest is responsible for the Pitching Workshops and the Pitch Trainings of all the presenting 20-25 Startups. After the coaching sessions, the startups will pitch to the audience during the Investor day event.

The >>venture>> Investor Day 2017 will take place in the afternoon (13:00 – 16:30) followed by the award ceremony. The >>venture>> awards ceremony will take place at the same location right after the investor’s event (18:30 – 2010).

During the award ceremony, taking place on the same day, the top 5 teams of both the Business Idea and the Business Plan tracks will be announced. The winning teams will receive prize money for a total of CHF 170’000.

In between announcing, the winners of the two categories, Federal Councillor Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER) will share his perspectives on innovation and entrepreneurship.

For the first time, SRF, RTS and >>venture>> will present the Startup Audience Award. Please cast your vote for your favourite business idea on: www.venture.ch/vote. Voting opens on June 12.

 Agenda for the Investor Day

1300 -1330: Welcome by >>venture>>
Thomas Knecht, Founder >>venture>>
Team Members >>venture>>

1330 – 1630: approx. 20-25 Company presentations
Seed and Early stage
Different Rooms and Industries
20-25 best of the venture.ch competition

1630 – 1730: Apéro & 1:1 Meetings with Investors
Investors and Startups

1830 – 2010: >>venture>> awards ceremony


Agenda for the Award ceremony

6:00 pm: Registration

6:30 pm: Welcome, Lino Guzzella (President ETH Zurich)

6:35 pm: Review >>venture>> anniversary edition, Thomas Knecht (Founder of >>venture>>, Chairman Knecht Holding)

6:45 pm: Presentation of the winners of the Business Idea competition

7:00 pm: Presentation of the Startup Audience Award by SRF, RTS and >>venture>>, Ruedi Matter (Director of Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen)

7:05 pm: Keynote speech, Federal Councillor Johann N. Schneider-Ammann (Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research): Perspectives on innovation and entrepreneurship

7:30 pm: Presentation of the winners of the Business Plan competition

8:10 pm: Closing remarks, Martin Vetterli (President EPFL)

8:30 pm: Networking & apéro