Venture Challenge #1: The story of your startup

14.11.2022 | 17:30 - 19:30
ETH Campus Zentrum, Student Project House, Clausiusstrasse 6/8, 8006 Zürich
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Learn more about Exnaton and their journey in transforming the energy sector.

Listen to the astonishing story of an entrepreneur: This event will host Anselma Wörner, CEO and Co-Founder of Exnaton, who will share her story.

About: Anselma Wörner is responsible for Fundraising, Data Science and Recruiting at Exnaton and enriches our team with her strong analytical skills. After gaining early experience in large technology (IBM, SAP) and consulting companies (McKinsey, Horvath & Partners), she also completed her doctorate in business informatics at ETH Zurich.

Join us to learn:

  • How to start your company
  • Failure and best practices
  • The story of the entrepreneurial journey

Accelerate your startup project with the support of successful founders and industry leaders!

This event belongs to a series of six workshops, based on a mission and challenge approach to enhance the validation and execution of your business case. Our goal is to support the best startup talents in Switzerland in order to build world-class startups the fastest way possible.Apply if you have an innovative startup project and the ambition to conquer the world. Student, doctoral candidate, postdoc or member of staff at ETH Zurich, or any other Swiss university carrying a solid high-tech startup project are also more than welcome to join. In case of questions, please don't hesitate to contact Raffael:

The Venture Challenge workshops will:

- Inspire your entrepreneurial journey- Shape your entrepreneurial proposal- Start networking in the Swiss startup ecosystem