>>venture>> Award Ceremony 2022

28.06.2022 | 18:30 - 20:00
ETH Zürich, 101 Rämistrasse 8092 Zürich
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The  >>venture>> Award Ceremony 2022 celebrates the winning entrepreneurs of Switzerland's leading startup competition.

We will announce the ranking of the top 3 winning entrepreneurs in each industry verticals, which are Finance & Insurance, Health & Nutrition, ICT, Industrials & Engineering and Retail & Consumer Services. In addition, we will crown the 2022 >>venture>> grand prize winner, selected by the >>venture>> Advisory Board on the same day, who will be taking home the coveted prize of CHF 150'000.

In collaboration with our media partner RTS, we will announce the recipient of the >>venture>> Audience Award, who will bring home CHF 10'000.

The public voting is open. You can vote for one of the five selected start-ups on the website of >>venture>>

Doors will open at 6 PM. The Award Ceremony will start at 6.30 PM.