>>venture>> Award Ceremony

13.09.2021 | 18:30 - 20:00
ETH Zurich, Audi Max | Rämistr. 101, 8092 Zurich
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Witness the awarding of this year's winner of the >>venture>> Award. The winning startups take home CHF 510'000. The President of the Swiss Confederation Guy Parmelin will share his insights.

During the Award Ceremony we will get to know the ranking of the 15 winners and the 2021 Grand Prize winner. The organising committee will announce the ranking of the top 3 winning entrepreneurs in each industry verticals, which are Finance & Insurance, Health & Nutrition, ICT, Industrials & Engineering and Retail &Consumer Services. In addition, it will crown the 2021 >>venture>> grand prize winner, selected by the >>venture>> Advisory Board on the same day. The winner will take home the coveted prize of CHF 150'000.

In addition to the jury award five start-up compete for the audience award: Duokey, Fea Money, Infrascreen, Invasight and Modus Operandi. You can vote for your favourite start-up on the >>venture>> website.  The recipient of the >>venture>> Audience Award will bring home CHF 10'000.