Thomson Reuters Fintech Apéro

04.07.2018 | 18:00 - 20:30
Zurich Viadukt Bogen D
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William Bonhote


Swiss Fintechs are on the rise .  Thomas Reuters invites the audience to the Fintech Apéro discusses the challenges & opportunities.


Fintech companies currently face different challenges and questions with regard to risk, regulation and digitalization. That’s why we have prepared this line up of expert speakers to have an open discussion with the Fintech community to tackle all of these points and more. This is also a unique chance to meet your peers and other Fintechs to share experiences, discuss burning questions and more importantly, have a laugh and a beer.

17:30-18:00: Registration
18:00-19:00: Panel discussion on Client Acquisition, Client Onboarding, Risk & Regulation and AI
19:00-19:30: Key note speech "How an era of new technologies will change financial services" from Sam Chadwick, Director F&R Innovation, Thomson Reuters
19:30-20:30: Drinks & Networking