Tech4Trust Roadshow Zurich 2023

08.02.2023 | 17:00 - 19:20
PwC Zurich Office, Birchstrasse 160, 8050 Zürich
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PwC Switzerland and Trust Valley proudly invite you to the fourth Tech4Trust Roadshow in Zurich. This IRL event is a great opportunity for cyber-professionals and corporate decisionmakers to meet, compare notes, build mutual understanding – and find out what’s new in cyberspace. Expect some exciting cybersec startup pitching and networking. See you!


  • 5.00pm Networking and startup booths

  • 5.30pm Welcome by Lennig Pedron, CEO, Trust Valley, and Urs Küderli and Yan Borboën, Partners, Cybersecurity and Privacy, PwC Switzerland

  • 5.40pm Attack scenario 1 – cloud attack
    Attackers exploit a misconfiguration in the company’s cloud-hosted app and pilfer user data to sell on the black market.
    Start-ups get to pitch their response to this particular threat.

  • 5.50pm Keynote speech: Improving resilience amid a tight cyber labour market can only happen if the C-suite works as a team with the CISO — which CEOs are starting to encourage. Where can you, the CEO and Board, make the most difference in cybersecurity? Speaker: Dr. Maya Bundt, Board Member

  • 6.10pm Trust in a data-driven economy
    Start-ups get to pitch how their solutions help to fight against declining confidence in the institutions that underpin society.

  • 6.30pm Panel discussion: Addressing the multidimensional workforce gaps in cybersecurity
    Speaker: Dr. Maria-Antonella Bino, General Counsel, Head Legal & Compliance, Vontobel
    Speaker: Lennig Pedron, CEO, Trust Valley
    Moderation by Alexandra Burns, Partner, FS Risk Consulting & Internal Audit, PwC Switzerland

  • 6.50pm Attack scenario 3 – ransomware attack
    An employee opens a document in a phishing email, activating malware.
    Start-ups get to pitch their response to this particular threat.

  • 7.10pm Closing by Urs Küderli and Yan Borboën, Partners, Cybersecurity and Privacy, PwC Switzerland

  • 7.20pm Networking cocktail and startup booths