The Switzerland Innovation Tech4Impact initiative supports projects that address society's most pressing issues, with a focus on the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In its third year, six teams working on various sustainable development goals were awarded a one-year grant of CHF 85,000 each to further develop their ideas at one of the six Switzerland Innovation Parks.
At the Demo Day, the six awarded teams will take the stage to give you a first-hand and exclusive presentation on their projects and the progress achieved.
You are kindly invited to join us for this event.
Program overview:
15:30 - Startup exhibition
16:00 - Opening by Raymond Cron, Director of Switzerland Innovation
16:10 - Keynote by Dominique Megret, Head of Swisscom Ventures, author of Deep Tech Nation
16:20 - Presentations by Gaia Tech, Aseptuva and TOSA Swisstech
16:35 - Panel discussion with Rudolf Minsch, Head Economist at Economiesuisse, Amelia Lorenzo, Head Exploratory Research & Partnerships at Swiss Re, and Ramzi Bouzerda, CEO of Droople, a Swiss scale-up. This panel is moderated by Julia Bory, Head of Innovation at Enterprise for Society (E4S)
17:00 - Presentations by Openversum, Graphene-Based Gas Seperation, and Openversum
17:15 - Closing by Sophie Cerny, Switzerland Innovation CEO
17:20 - Aperitif & Startup Exhibition
18:30 - End of the event