Swiss Blockchain Security Kick-off

08.05.2019 | 18:00 - 21:00
Room E 101, LEE building, ETH Zurich (Leonhardstrasse 21, 8092 Zürich)
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It’s time to give the Swiss Blockchain Security players in the ecosystem an identity, a forum to communicate, and a public directory of product and service providers. At the event upcoming Swiss Blockchain Security initiatives will be presented.


Who should attend? Players in the security industry contributing to the Swiss blockchain security landscape. Users of blockchain security products and services, interested to meet the major players in this ecosystem. Keynote: The Swiss Blockchain Security landscape. Panel: “State-of-the-art blockchain security at the Crypto Nation". Speakers include representatives of ChainSecurity, SIX, Web3 foundation, PwC, Taurus Group, Swiss Crypto Vault, Metaco.