Smart Health Conference and Partnering

29.06.2017 | 08:30 - 16:00
Technopark Zürich 8005 Zürich
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Decision makers of life sciences companies, scientist R&D institutions and healthcare & innovation specialists will provide the latest insights into trends and show opportunities for transdisciplinary and cross-industry R&D.

Smart Health and virtual reality are not only science & technology driven trends with a significant global market potential: Smart Health is also a big promise to patients. Smart Health technologies, solutions, devices and services will rapidly change the healthcare environment. Companies and institutions able to leverage the rapid convergence in the life science technologies will be the pace makers of this revolution.

The Zurich conference and partnering event will provide decision makers of life sciences companies, scientist from leading R&D institutions and healthcare & innovation specialists with latest insights into trends and show opportunities for transdisciplinary and cross-industry R&D. It will also be an ideal meeting point for companies and institutions looking to extend their network and gain visibility within the Smart Health community.


  • Smart Health opportunities for SMEs, Start-ups, research institutes and R&D labs

  • Short, sharp 20 minute meetings to foster effective networking and R&D collaborations

  • Interdisciplinary and Cross Industry innovation for the Digital Revolution

  • R&D Funding opportunities with CTI & Euresearch

Smart Health 2017 Partnering Event is free of charge but registration and creation of a participation profile is mandatory. Please register on this website for the Partnering Event, and click the green icon above to the right.

 Important dates

27 June 2017: Registration and profile submission

07 - 28 June 2017: Online selection of bilateral meetings

29 June 2017: Bilateral meetings

To register for the Smart Health conference please click here.