SECA Event - Impact & ESG deep dive

10.11.2022 | 16:30 - 20:30
Widder Hotel, Zurich
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Speakers will demonstrate how LPs and GPs of impact VCs work, act, and exchange ideas about the topic.

What factors do impact-focused limited partners look for? Which challenges, processes, and investment requirements are crucial for impact VCs?

Key questions of the event:
Impact-focused investors - Limited Partner (LP) perspective

  • How do you determine impact criteria for selecting Impact VCs? 
  • How can Limited Partners assess the ESG/ impact readiness of General Partners (GP)?
  • What are the particularities of the Decision-Making process? What are practical examples?

Register now for this upcoming SECA event and discuss with the speakers:

This event is organised for managers and decision-makers in the investment sector, family offices, insurance firms, and pension funds.


  • 16.30 - Welcome & Introduction, Christian K. Winkler, Managing Partner, asc impact
  • 16.45 - GP Investor perspective on Impact VCs 
  • 18.00 - Three Impact VC General Partners share their approaches & learnings
  • 19.30 - Break-out session to exchange ideas and discuss specific questions
  • 20.00 - Networking & Apéro riche