SECA Evening Event: Private Debt Ecosystem meets Start-up Platforms

18.03.2020 | 17:15 - 19:00
PwC Experience Center, Rieterstrasse 6, 8002 Zurich
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The event includes a general overview of the current (global) private debt landscape, a closer look at debt financing instruments commonly available in the Swiss market environment as well as a discussion of selected aspects in relation to challenges and opportunities for start-ups and SME.


Speakers: Welcome note: Dieter WirthPricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Zurich Dominique Gruhl-BéginHead of Start-Ups and Next-Generation Innovators, Innosuisse, Bern Patrice BendjouyaResponsable Service Finance, platinn, Nyon/Fribourg Alexander FischerPrivate Debt Europe, Partners Group AG, Baar-Zug Moderator: Tobias GiesserPartners Group AG, Baar-Zug