PR is dead – long live PR!

12.03.2018 | 18:30 - 20:00
startup space, Wiesenstr. 5, Schlieren
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IFJ Institut für Jungunternehmen


This course offers attendees the chance to learn about professional PR and how to get their message across to their stakeholders.


Every startup has a story to tell. But how to get into the public eye? How to raise the attention of your influencers? What are the basic rules which you have to take into consideration when you communicate with media? And what kind of role is playing storytelling? How do startups manage to leave digital footprint? And much more …

Startups often suffer from a low degree of recognition. Professional PR is a must for entrepreneurs and startups that want to get their business ideas into the public eye. With this presentation participants get a basic overview about the role of PR in times of digitisation, the Dos and the Don’ts in communication with their stakeholders; as well with linkage to some case studies.