Partnering and/or VC financing for seed stage companies

19.04.2017 | 18:00 - 19:15
Universität Zürich Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, Zurich
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BaseLaunch, CTI and LSZYSN present “Partnering and/or VC financing for seed stage companies?” Participants will learn more about the key steps, opportunities, bottlenecks and challenges in the partnering process.

Emerging companies can expedite growth through partnering and/or VC financing. We aim to address the key steps, opportunities, bottlenecks and challenges in the partnering process versus criteria for an alternative VC financing. In the first part, Helmut Kessmann will provide an overview on the partnering / licensing option and potential scenarios. Markus Goebel will then elaborate on how a major Pharma and Investment Fund will look at these companies and assets and the key criteria to evaluate such opportunities.



18:00 – Welcome & introduction to BaseLaunch, CTI, LSZYSN

Stephan Emmerth, BaseLaunch; Stefan Blarer, CTI; Daniel Gaul, LSYZN

18:15 – Emerging company perspective

Helmut Kessmann, Polyphor, T3 Pharma

Corporate VC perspective

Markus Goebel, Novartis Venture Fund

19:15 – Networking

Participation is free of charge but registration is compulsory.