What are the benefits and risks of an alternative approach? What products does it suit and where are its limitations?
In this workshop we want to explore these issues. After introductory remarks, experts present cases from their practices and answer your questions.
11.45 -12.00 Reception
12.00 Opening: Dr. René Hausammann, President, Swissparks.ch
Moderation: Dr. Matthias Hölling, Host, Team Leader Foundation Affairs, TECHNOPARK Zurich
Introduction to the topic: Julia Bhend, Attorney at Law Probst Partner AG
Presentation and Discussion of Legal Case Studies
PD Dr. Hannes Spillmann, European Patent Attorney, Keller & Partner Patenanwälte AG
Stephan Kessler, European Patent Attorney, Keller & Partner Patentanwälte AG
Franz Probst, Attorney at Law, LL.M., Probst Partner AG
Roy Levy, Attorney at Law, FIFA Master, Probst Partner AG
Q/A, Discussion
14.00 Apéro
Please register until 21 September with Amanda Epper, amanda.epper@be-advanced.ch