MEDKAP Investors' Pitchevent at Farner

28.02.2024 | 17:00 - 20:00
Farner Consulting, Löwenstrasse 2, 8001 Zürich
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Selected HealthTech startups will pitch for funding from the MEDKAP investor community.

???? Esteemed Panelists:

  • Esther Seidl-Nussbaumer (Innovation & Digital Transformation Leader)
  • Prof. Boris Hofmann (former SVP Innovation at B|Braun)
  • Hemant Anand (CIO Google Cloud Alps)
  • Dr. Daniel Heller (Partner at Farner, Chairman Kantonsspital Baden)

Explore how major corporations in Medtech, Tech, and Healthcare can benefit from the innovations brought by HealthTech startups.

????????????Exciting investment opportunites:

Get ready to witness four captivating pitches from HealthTech entrepreneurs and innovators. This event provides an excellent opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and stay updated on the latest startup ideas.

During the event, we'll ask for your feedback and investment interest in each startup. Your input helps us identify the most promising startups. Thank you for your participation.

To conclude the event, enjoy an Apero with drinks and snacks, giving you a chance to connect with all the founders.

Selected startups 

meet them:
1️⃣ Calico Biosystems: building a revolution in the precision oncology field.
2️⃣ PIPRA: an AI-based pre-operative risk assessment tool used to address postoperative delirium (POD).
3️⃣ eCovery GmbH: optimising patient rehabilitation and enhancing communication between doctors and physiotherapists for faster and more effective recovery.
4️⃣ Hospital at Home AG: reshaping healthcare by prioritising therapies at home with personalised care.