Ideation - discover & validate your business idea

27.09.2017 | 19:00 - 21:30
Impact Hub Zurich Viaduktstrasse 93, Zürich, Zürich (Karte)
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Swiss Startups Club invites all aspiring entrepreneurs who are either looking for a potential business idea or would like to validate the one they have to the event.

The Ideation workshop will go through an innovation process that will: Help them to come up with potential business ideas, validate and accelerate your existing idea

Speakers include: Niels Rot -Co-founder and Program Director at Impact Hub, Co-founder at Stride - unSchool for Entrepreneurial Leadership

Xenia Meier – DesignThinker, idealist, TechEnthusiast  and Changemake


19:00-19:30 - Welcome

19:30-20:30 - Ideation Workshop

20:30 - 21:30 - Networking Apero

What topics will be covered?

  • Entrepreneurial thinking
  • Idea creation methodologies
  • Self-reflection

Practical Take-Aways:

  • Starting point for your new business
  • Methods for diverging & converging thinking
  • Expand your toolkit of entrepreneurial leadership