How to Raise Venture Capital in Silicon Valley

17.11.2016 | 17:00 - 19:00
Pirates Hub, Swisscom AG, Pfingstweidstrasse 51, 8005 Zürich
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Pia Schneider

From Silicon Valley to Zurich: Investor Alexander Fries about the European and American venture capital business.

Alexander Fries is a seasoned businessman and venture capitalist. Having moved from his native Switzerland to Silicon Valley over a decade ago, Fries began helping other Europeans crossing the Atlantic to navigate in Silicon Valley. Now he runs Polytech Ecosystems Ventures, a fund dedicated to just that. Alex will come to Switzerland in November and offers to share his thoughts on the differences between European and American investments; why it’s better to raise more than you initially thought; and why Europe needs to market itself a whole lot better.



17.00-17:45 Keynote by Alexander Fries

17.45-18:30 Q&A / Pitch Feedback

18:30-Open End: Apero


The event is open to Swisscom employees and external guests.