Fireside chat with Elmar Mock

22.01.2019 | 18:00 - 22:00
Ginetta, Rieterstrasse 6, Zürich
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Swatch co-invetor Elmar Mock shares his story, the challenges and the lessons learned along the way.



Co-inventor of the original Swatch Watch and received the Gaia Award for it’s conception, ELMAR MOCK is a professional inventor and entrepreneur with 40 years of international experience. He graduated as an engineer of micro technical and plastic technology in 1978. 

Mock suffered from severe dyslexia at school. The inventor makes no secret of the fact that he was a very poor learner. “It took me 11 years to complete nine years of compulsory education,” he admits. These travails shaped his character, laying the foundation for his life as an inventor. He prefers the paths less trodden and never plans ahead – to avoid dulling his curiosity and sharpness of mind. “Invention is a form of discovery,” he says. “We search without knowing whether what we find will be of value in future. Yet, society dictates that we think of tomorrow and plan ahead. We are stuck on a treadmill. Planning kills innovation”.

Join the Zurich Fireside chat to learn from his experiences, network, make friends, enjoy the apéro, be educated and inspired.

You can also sign up for the Mindfulness session, which lasts 20min, and starts at 18:00