Female Founder Coworking Morning

21.10.2022 | 08:30 - 12:00
Loft Corner, Impact Hub Zurich, Sihlquai 131, Zürich
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Female Founder Initiative

Join us for a coworking morning to connect, find synergies and work with other (aspiring) female founders

We are excited to welcome to you our upcoming “Female Founder Coworking Morning”. Every couple of weeks we are inviting you to join us and other female founders at one of the three Impact Hub Zurich locations for a morning of coworking and connecting in our premises. There will be room to work, Gipfeli to eat and coffee to drink in order to create an inspiring and motivating atmosphere from 08:30 am. At 09:00 am we will give you an opportunity to introduce yourself, your startup and your current ask/need to the rest of the group. This way you can easily connect and share your skills and opportunities to support one another.