The forum also features keynote speeches by KOL, about 60 selected corporate presentations from established (public and private) and emerging biotechs seeking to promote investment and partnering opportunities, and 20+ pitches by seed companies and during our Rising Stars session. We expect over 350 delegates to attend the event. The forum will provide a number of networking opportunities via our online One-2-One meeting system which allows you to pre-book meetings with all the attendees at the dedicated meeting facilities. We anticipate more than 1700 face-to-face meetings to take place throughout 2 days. Plenary Sessions will include: Global Outlook for Biopharma in 2020 Panel Latest Trends in Private Equity & VC Panel Pharma DealMakers Roundtable CEO Vision Debate China Partnering & Investment Panel Early Stage Investor Roundtable Rising Stars: Global Seed Session