European Healthtech CEO Forum

18.02.2020 | 12:39 - 13:01
Hilton Zurich Airport Hotel
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The event covers innovation in the digital health and medtech and devices sectors, with the target audience being corporate and financial investors/partners and advisors.


The programme will feature topical keynotes and panels with industry leaders and over 20 corporate presentations by public, private and growth companies, and 20+ pitches by seed companies. Networking is supported by the online One-2-One meeting system which allows for pre-arranged meetings at the dedicated meeting facilities. Panel Discussions will include: Future Vision of HealthTech & Partnering with Strategics Panel MedTech & Device Innovation Panel Cloud  Computing in HealthTech Panel​ Israeli Innovators Panel Investors Roundtable Rising Stars: Global Seed Session Confirmed Keynote Speeches by: “MedTech & Device Public Markets: Areas of Interest, Where We are? Where We are Going?”by Jeffrey Cohen, Managing Director, Equity Research, Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co., Inc.​