As we enter the new decade, increased Climate Action is expected to limit global warming. At this stage, many of the easier wins – partial energy substitution, efficiency gains – have been activated. What is still lacking are transformational changes which are far more difficult to achieve. Startups are important players paving new ways for rapid decarbonization of economic activities. Investors are increasingly aware of this challenge and start deploying the vision of a prosperous, inclusive, climate-resilient society by shifting their investment focus to include the intention of obtaining benefits to society and the environment, on top of financial returns. Nevertheless, the variety of asset managers and asset owners have different approaches to impact investing, especially when targeting startups. Join us in this unique Entrepreneurship Night, which will welcome private, institutional and corporate investors in a panel discussion to share their thoughts and impact investment stories. In addition, entrepreneurs supported by the EIT Climate-KIC Accelerator Programme in Switzerland will pitch how they achieve a positive impact on climate change with their recently launched ventures. Pitches will be followed by a networking apero. Save March 17th 2020 from 6 pm to 9 pm in your calendar. More details will follow shortly. This event is organised in collaboration with the UBS.