CAS Swiss Biodesign for MedTech Innovators

18.08.2020 | 08:30 - 17:30
ZHAW School of Management and Law Theaterstrasse 15b 8401 Winterthur
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The CAS Swiss Biodesign for MedTech Innovators provides future innovation leaders with tools to identify major market opportunities and invent high potential products in the field of MedTech, HealthTech and Invitro Diagnostics.


Objectives Empowering future innovation leaders to initiate and successfully commercialize high-risk product innovations and drive change within your organisation Systematically identifying unmet needs and ideating innovative solutions Objectively validating needs, concepts and market potential Accelerating projects with in-depth understanding of design thinking tools Understanding board and investor criteria for compelling business cases Addressing common pitfalls in health technology projects in start-ups and corporations Benefiting from hands-on experience of serial-innovators and industry experts Target audience: This training is designed for aspiring corporate intrapreneurs and start-up entrepreneurs who are passionate about developing radically new medical technology. Prerequisites: Candidates must possess at least three years of professional healthcare experience in e.g. medicine, clinical research, product management, sales, business development, R&D, or software development. The program is limited to 12 participants (max. 2 of the same company) to ensure highly effective learning and coaching experience.