Business Creation - CTI Entrepreneurship Training (Module 3) - ENGLISH

31.08.2017 | 08:30 - 16:30
Impact Hub Zürich - Colab, Sihlquai 131, Zürich, Schweiz
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Barbara Frauenfeld


Are you about to set up your own company or have you recently started a new business? The “Business Creation” training module will help you to firm up your plans and consolidate your knowledge.
In the 5 day course Business Creation, you will challenge your business idea and develop a profitable business model. You will develop a better grasp of  your market and opportunities, as well as obtain a base for a successful start as an entrepreneur.



  • Leadership and organisation

  • Corporate and business strategy

  • Business models

  • Marketing/sales/finance (financial planning, assessing demand, finding investors, financing, liquidity)

  • Intellectual property, legal matters, contracts, etc.

  • People skills (negotiation, presenting pitches, conflict resolution, time management, efficiency, etc.)

  • Business planning

  • Developing business plans for your own company

  • Working alone or in a team

  • Presenting to a jury


CHF 300.- (the registration fees will be waived upon successful completion of the course)


5-day intensive course, spread over several weeks


Held in 9 towns at universities and science parks


Startup founders (shortly before or shortly after setting up their company), preferably from the area around the venue for the course.

Min. 10, max. 17 participants

Pleas note that this course will be held in ENGLISH!