Business as (un)usual!

21.03.2018 | 18:30 - 21:00
Impact Hub Zürich Viadukt at Viaduktstrasse 91, 8005 Zurich
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Speakers provide insights on new ways of working and how to make business work as (un)usual during the period of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA).


VUCA characterise many business environments today. VUCA has led to an increased recognition that new and unprecedented risks are constantly emerging. Organisations are in a state of flux and need to constantly change and adapt to meet global challenges.

New ways of organizing are emerging and buzzwords like Agile, Teal, Holacracy and Sociocracy are becoming mainstream topics amongst business leaders. Flat hierarchies, self-organised teams and autonomy promise greater speed and resilience to react to the VUCA challenges mentioned above. At the same time a new focus on purpose and values takes center stage amongst organisational trends.

While Frederic Laloux provides an inspiring starting point with his book Reinventing Organisations, organisational changes are certainly not without big challenges for the individual, the team and the organisation as a whole, as often the change of mindset is trickier than anticipated.

What would it mean for companies to act more like humans, to be irrational, to value fairness and equality, be driven by a purpose beyond profit, to adapt and change its beliefs as it grows? What would it mean for companies to strive for a more holistic approach?

During this event our panelists, Barbara Josef (, David Griesbach ( and Diego Hangartner ( will discuss challenges and opportunities regarding “new ways of working”. Moreover we are going to discuss how to change the mindset of organisations.


    18:00 - 18:30 Arrival

    18:30 - 18:35: Welcome and Introduction

    18:40 - 20:15: Panel discussion

    20:15 - 21:00: Apéro