Biofaces International

14.08.2018 | 08:40 - 09:01
University of Zurich
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The conference aims to build bridges across relevant application areas, between science & engineering, among scientific discovery, Innovation & technology, and between senior scientists & early-career researchers.


Both internationally highly renowned and young scientists from academia, industry and clinics present their latest, often unpublished scientific findings and technological breakthroughs. All speakers begin their talks with a General introduction that does not require specialised knowledge to follow. The focus of this conference is education across the many fields of relevance to biological surfaces and interfaces.

In the translation sessions strategies to master the steps and processes involved in translating advances in basic science from bench to bedside will be discussed:

  • How can Researchers & startup executives in the translation process benefit from institutions which facilitate access to critical ressources and alliance programs?
  • What funding offers are there for this purpose?