Ask the Expert: Term Sheet - Structuring and Negotiation

02.10.2024 | 17:00 - 19:00
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Are you a startup planning an equity funding round with investors? Smartly structuring and negotiating the term sheet when onboarding investors is crucial for a successful financing round. Join Walder Wyss, one of Switzerland's leading law firms, for an Ask the Expert workshop to learn more about how to best tackle this process.

Marion Bähler and Ramona Wyss will cover the key content of any term sheet as well as structuring considerations for specific constellations and provide first-hand practical insights into the most common pitfalls in the negotiation process. Gain a clear picture of this topic from our experienced venture capital lawyers.

The session will be followed by an apéro riche and networking. Come and share your experience with other startup entrepreneurs, get advice from our experts to improve your strategy, and develop your network in this unique workshop.