Ask the Expert: Metaverse and Blockchain with EY

24.05.2022 | 16:00 - 19:00
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Blockchain and Metaverse - deep dive into DAOs and fundraising options.

Are you a blockchain startup and do you plan funding round with investors? Our experts will discuss hot topics in the blockchain space, such as the Metaverse and DAO from a legal, regulatory and tax perspective. Likewise, we will also delve into fundraising options for blockchain-based start-ups. 

Become an expert in the blockchain space and join the workshop with EY in Zurich. 


  • Silvan Guler, Associate Partner: Head International Tax and M&A Tax advising FinTech/Blockchain organizations, supporting start-ups as a Business Angel
  • Kaisa Sparks, Director: Head Indirect Tax advising FinTech/Blockchain organizations, Expert for Swiss and International VAT
  • Orkan Sahin, Senior Manager: Leader FinTech/Blockchain law practice in Switzerland, technology-focused legal business advisor in the financial services sector, highly passionate about FinTech, RegTech, Legal Managed Services, DLT/Blockchain/Digital Assets, Metaverse and Web 3.0
  • Roza Celebi, Senior Consultant: M.A. HSG, cand. Certified Tax Advisor, International Tax and M&A Tax
  • Jeremy Baumann, CFO SwissBrog, Entrepreneur, Tech & Blockchain Enthusiast

Come and share your experience with other startup entrepreneurs, get advice from our experts to improve your strategy, and develop your network in this unique workshop followed by an apéro.