Ask the Expert: IPO Readiness Workshop

08.06.2022 | 09:30 - 13:45
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Are you a growth-stage startup and are looking for advice for an Initial Private Offering (IPO)? Learn more about IPOs and their prerequisites while connecting with experienced advisors in this IPO readiness workshop together with Deloitte, SIX, and Walder Wyss.

Viktoriya Lombardo, Director at Deloitte, Fabian Gerber, Senior Relationship Manager at SIX Swiss Exchange and Alex Nikitine, Partner at Walder Wyss will not only cover the basic considerations of an IPO but provide first-hand practical insights on what really matters when planning to go public and share pitfalls to avoid in the preparation phase.
Get a clear picture of this topic from our experienced experts.

Come and share your experience with other startup entrepreneurs, get advice from our experts to improve your strategy, and develop your network in this unique workshop.