Aktionariat Investor Event

30.03.2023 | 16:30 - 23:00
Papiersaal 6 Kalanderplatz 8045 Zürich
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Find new investment opportunities and contact c-level executives and founders from Swiss companies.

Switzerland is known for its strong economy that remains stable even when the rest of the world turns upside down. That is partly because Switzerland is among the great incubators and facilitators of promising, innovative, bleeding-edge start-ups and ideas. Sadly, less than 1% of all Swiss companies are publicly available.

Aktionariat devised a solution to create liquid markets for all Swiss companies. Through tokenized shares and decentralized automated markets, everybody can now invest in unlisted Swiss companies.

This event will bring together investors with innovative hand-picked companies that will pitch their business models. Some of the participating companies are:

  • Farmy, Carnault, DDC Schweiz, Art Leasing & Invest, Outlawz Food
  • DillySocks, Twiliner, Clever Forever Education, quitt., Axelra, Founderstudio
  • +alpian, Schweizer Monat, TV Plus and many more.



16:30 - 17:00 Doors & Welcoming

17:00 - 18:00 Intro & 20/20 Pitch

Sidenote: A "20/20 Pitch" is a challenging presentation format where each slide shows for 20 seconds for a total of 20 slides. Only 6 companies dare to take on this challenge!

18:00 - 18:05 Quick Break

18:05 - 19:00 Expert Panel & Elevator Pitches

Luzius Meisser

Dagmara Robinson

Andrés Luther

19:00 - 23:00 Networking & Apéro-Riche