2nd Swiss Text Analytics Conference

09.06.2017 | 08:00 - 17:00
ZHAW Campus
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Swiss Text brings together industry experts to give an overview of the existing solutions and technologies and to come up with ideas for new innovative projects using automatic text understanding.


Swiss Text is a one day conference brings together practitioners, end users, software vendors, researchers, and data scientists to share their experiences.

The first edition of Swiss Text was held last year with more than 170 participants including members form Google, IBM and several universities. Due to this success, this year’s event is also expected to take the same line.

Keynotes will be held by PeterS tengard, Principal Data Scientist at Microsoft, Prof. Margot Mieskes from University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt, and Prof . Verena Rieser from Heriot – Watt University, Edinburgh

The topics to be discussed include:

  • Evaluation of Social Media
  • Semantic Analysis
  • Chatbots
  • Deep Learning for Text Analysis
  • Machine Translation
  • Text Classification
  • Text Generation