Swiss Fintech Awards: ten startups in the run

Ten startups have stood out from a pool of 60 applications that were submitted for the Swiss Fintech Awards for the categories“Early Stage Start-up of the Year” and “Growth Stage Start-up of the Year”. A winner for each category will be crowned during the award ceremony on 11 June.

Since its inception in 2016, the Swiss FinTech Awards have become the most important award in the fintech industry, honouring outstanding innovators, start-ups and shapers of the Swiss fintech ecosystem on an annual basis. For the 2024 edition, a jury of 20 experts reviewed over 60 applications (out of a total of 100 submissions) to select the five most promising companies for the categories Early Stage Start-up of the Year” and “Growth Stage Start-up of the Year”.

Presenting a wide array of solutions, this year’s top 10 demonstrate the vitality and maturity of the Swiss fintech landscape. Some solutions aim at providing better investing opportunities while others serve financial professionals and institutions with the help of technologies such as AI and blockchain to increase efficiency and transparency. Solutions for cyber insurance or sustainability reporting are also represented. The winners will be announced at the Swiss FinTech Awards Night taking place on June 11 in Zurich.

The top start-ups of the Swiss FinTech Awards in 2024 in their respective categories are:

Early Stage Start-up of the Year

CLIMADA Technologies – aims to deliver transparent and regulatory-aligned climate change-related reporting.

Cyberion – specializes in insurance against cyber threats by offering vulnerability checks, insurance solutions and training.

Evorest –  provides property managers with a platform to digitalize the process of opening and closing accounts for rental deposits. For the first time, tenants can digitally invest their rental deposits in low-cost funds, instead of keeping their money locked-up on low-interest accounts.

Kaspar& – wants to make investing the new normal by democratizing and giving individuals access to professional and easy-to-manage investment strategies.

Neur.on AI – relies on artificial intelligence to translate legal documents from financial institutions.

Growth Stage Start-up of the Year

ARF – is a global transaction service platform offering scalable liquidity to financial institutions for cross-border settlements.

Divizend – automates the process of reclaiming foreign withholding taxes for investors and other dividend receivers.

GenTwo – is dedicated to making all assets investable and has built a financial engineering network based on two pillars. Its proprietary platform solution GenTwo PRO empowers investment professionals to create unlimited, white-labeled investment solutions while tts AssetRush event series provides a unique forum for showcasing the investment revolution that its next-generation securitization platform is helping to catalyze. GenTwo currently has over three billion US dollars in Assets under Service (AuS).

Payrexx – is a payment service provider that integrates a wide range of payment methods – both local and global options – to make online commerce accessible for all kinds of businesses.

WeCan – is a blockchain-based solution for data management and secure communication both internally among employees and externally with clients.

(Press release/RAN)